Recently Ry and I have been asked to be godparents to two newborns, and let me just tell you what a humbling experience that is.
It chokes you up and you swallow around the lump and say, "Oh my goodness, absolutely, that is so sweet."
Instantly sprouting a split second of tears as you realize that these people really do love you so much in order to trust their children with you because of who you are as a person.
I know it's different now and mostly it's about sponsoring Christianity for the child's Baptism, but to us, it is confirmation that we have an interest in their life and who they grow to be. And the best part of it all -- it's only brought us closer together with our oldest friends, our best friends and family.
It makes you want to smother everyone with kisses as your heart pounds, so full of love and cheesiness. (We know I am pretty sappy.)
So, to Annie, Justin and precious little Natalie, to Ali, Andy and perfect little Mason - we promise to love you and teach you so many fun things that your parents won't (wink wink). We promise to be there to help find your paths on life's many journeys. We promise to take you to mass if you want to go and help teach you all the ways to pray and work for what you want.
And to my sister...the humbling, overwhelming pride can only be stronger -- so don't ever think that the honor could ever be less than our first experiences.
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