April 18, 2013

1,411 and Happy Birthday Jake!

Holy shiz balls, I've hit a staggering 1,415 views here.  

(I also don't really know how many of those views are adweek spider-ing out my page.)

Don't judge. I haven't been doing this for that long and while there aren't that many views, it still brings out a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity in me.

Embarrassment for the things that I write and probably shouldn't share -- and for those who may be mentioned actually hating my sharing but haven't said anything.  I warned you though, I'm a sharer, lover of shits 'n giggles and all those dark things that go unsaid. 

But, the curiosity is for who is really reading this? Am I reaching your hearts or making you smile? Should I keep trying?

Really, after I saw that my brother could read this in Afghanistan, I felt vindicated because having any way to reach him means the world, and I know he looks for my messages because he's said 'thank you.' If anything, that keeps me writing -- I'll keep on keeping on, just so that he can have another little taste of home and normal-ness from so far away.

Today is his birthday by the way. Happy freaking birthday you 27-year-old! We miss you and love you! Funny that it's also the anniversary that we met Suzie, had too much to drink and fell in love with her over the homemade birthday card she made for my brother a few years ago --and her bathroom photobooths. We all hoped she would marry Jake -- it turned out to be a fairytale for all of us.

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